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faq > General > Can puppies eat these treats?

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First and foremost, your puppy should be old enough to chew and swallow kibble before introducing them to our treats, even then though, some breeds may require you to break our treats apart to make them small enough to swallow. Also, be aware that excited puppies sometimes forget to chew. That said, while in our experience puppies love our cookies, it should be noted that puppies come in a variety of sizes and some may be more sensitive than others to new foods. It's best that you use your judgement and your experience with your puppy to determine if he or she is ready for our treats. You can always consult your veterinarian as well.

As far as sensitivities go, we find that dogs with sensitive stomachs tend to do best with Sebastian's Delight, our pumpkin cookie. Pumpkin is naturally soothing to dogs stomachs after all.

Last updated on July 11, 2012 by David Gage